Shot 9 Times

I am not ready friends to watch another one die.

Mike, pictured here was shot “9” times Friday. He’s in the hospital, out of ICU and will live to walk (Spin) another day.

Due to the sensitivity of this story and the innocent people involved who have expressed concern “IF” I planned to write about what happened I am opting to at this time to write very little.

We have known Mike a few years now from the streets. Our relationship started out on the wrong foot. We didn’t like Mike, not many on the streets did. Pastor Freddie hunted him down like a bloodhound, (again reasons I don’t care to talk about) and Mike ran.

Not until recently did our paths cross once again only this time on different terms. Mike finally wanted help.

Missy has been the one who seems to really stick up for Mike. She’s put her neck out on the line more times than I know I would for him and they have formed a really nice relationship. He trusts her. Ahh, that’s where it begins.

Today seeing Mike in the hospital was tough. He’s a softy under all that toughness and when we stood at his door looking in at him he just cried. He’s so confused and lost. Not even sure God really thinks he’s worth having anymore. I pulled up a chair and we talked. NOW he was talking a language I understand. God’s love!

Mike cried more when I told him that his life was spared for a reason. Not a reason for Mike but a reason for God. I don’t think he ever had anyone help him see his worth in God. It is immeasurable, intricately woven with the hand of God around “His” heart.

Mike is in a lot of pain and truly a miracle. A few of the bullets will not be removed. One sits right next to his spine. He’s had one surgery already to remove a few. I suggested he allow his body to heal and to allow his mind to heal as well. He has been running for years and today he has to lay in a bed and meet our God face to face for a while.

He has no choice but to agree. I do ask for everyone to pray for not only Mike but those that are involved in this story as well. It is a very sad story and some lives can be effected GREATLY!

God loves Mike as well as the one that held that gun. Mike must turn away from the path he was walking and find his worth in God above.

Pray for Missy too…Mike calls all day long, and yes she listens and tries her best to show him the right answers to life. He’s reaching out to her, she’s reaching back. It’s what we do best!

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